Has a member of your team just started their apprenticeship journey? They may have just taken on a great responsibility, but so have you. As their employer, you have to encourage their learning endeavours, whilst ensuring they know the responsibilities they have within their role. It’s a balancing act for you and them!
As one of the nation’s leading apprenticeship providers, we know a thing or two about keeping learners happy. With a learner satisfaction rate of 95% and an employer satisfaction rate of 93%, let us give you our top tips to guide your employee to success!
Clear expectations
Making sure that your employee understands the responsibilities of their role can’t take a backseat to their learning. Help them stay organised and make sure they know the tasks expected of them. Clear expectations can help avoid issues down the line, like incomplete tasks and rushed projects.
Regular check-ins
The only way you’ll know that your apprentice is doing well is by talking to them Schedule some time on a weekly or monthly basis to check in and catch up with them. This is a great time to adjust their workload, find out how they’re feeling about their course, and assess their mental load.
Provide resources
As their employer, you should be providing your apprentice with all the equipment necessary to perform their role and apprenticeship. Whether it be practice materials for learning the basics, or simply a quiet place to complete their coursework, it’s important to provide whatever you can to help your apprentice thrive.
Be flexible
As we’ve previously said it’s important that your apprentice understands the expectations of their role, but sometimes it can be in your best interest to be flexible. When people are overwhelmed, they tend to make mistakes and struggle to get tasks done, leaving other to pick up the slack. Leaving a bit of leeway when coursework is due can be just the thing to kick the ball over the line.
Celebrate their achievements
There’s nothing worse than putting in mountainous effort into a piece of work to get an outcome you’re really proud of only to get no recognition or praise for what you’ve achieved. To keep apprentices motivated you should always engage in appraisals for great work. Whether it be a simple well done for completing a project, a monthly appraisal where you can talk about the things they achieved recently, or even a reward for completing their apprenticeship. As ISA is a member of Educ8 Group, we take part in a yearly Gradu8 ceremony where we celebrate all of our learners who completed their apprenticeships that year.
Supporting your apprentice is not just about providing guidance; it’s about creating an environment that fosters growth, confidence, and success. By implementing these top tips, you can enhance their learning experience and contribute to a more skilled, engaged workforce. Ultimately, the investment you make in your apprentice will contribute to their career and to your organisation’s success.